Projekt pt. ‘D.I.Y. – Zrób to sam – upodmiotowienie poprzez wymianę umiejętności’ koncentrował się na sztuce jako narzędziu przemian społecznych oraz sztuce jako instrumencie (współ)dzielenia naszej wiedzy i umiejętności.
Łączyło nas przekonanie, iż partycypacja artystyczna może okazać się ciekawym doświadczeniem poznawczym i narzędziem wpływania na naszą rzeczywistość społeczną, może stać się odpowiedzią na pytania, które stawia nam dzisiejszy świat.
Naszą Wizją była mobilizacja zainteresowanych osób do działania w swoich lokalnych społecznościach poprzez aktywizacje swojego twórczego potencjału i swych zdolności twórczych. Chodziło o umożliwienie naszym odbiorcom – poprzez kreatywne środki wyrazu – zaprezentowania oraz dzielenia się swoimi zainteresowaniami w swoich społecznościach, a także przed decydentami różnych poziomów.
W ramach projektu odbyło się 7 spotkań partnerów, którym towarzyszyły wydarzenia kulturalne, warsztaty, koncerty, wystawy:
1) w Niemczech - Berlin. Organizator: ‘Czentrifuga e.V.’
2) w Niemczech - Hamburg. Organizator: ‘Stubnitz MS e.V.’
3) w Czechach – Kolin. Organizator: ‘D.I.V.O. Institut’
4) w Polsce - Giżyckp/Grądzkie. Organizator: ‘Stowarzyszenie Wspólnota Mazurska’
5) w Niemczech – Berlin. Organizator: ‘Kulturpark 3000’
6) w Estonii – Tartu. Organizator: ‘Non Grata’
7) na Słowacji – Zilina. Organizator: ‘Slam poetry’
Szczegóły na blogu:
DIY – Do It Yourself!
Self Empowerment through Skill Sharing
Our partnership has focused on art as a social transformer and a tool for sharing knowledge.
We were united in our common conviction that art should make a social impact.
And we wanted to explore the arts as a learning experience, tools and pathways for innovative interventions in social issues and social developments.
Art can be an efficient way for the articulation and representation of minority cultures and marginalized social groups aiming at enhancing the opportunities for participation and action.
So we shared the common interest in broaching the issue of social disadvantage/discrimination and the development of forms in different genres of the arts, which, on the one hand, enable the participation of and the direct communication with concerned persons and, on the other hand, point out grievances that we encounter within this context.
The partners involved in our learning partnership were characterized by different working modes and varied experiences and possibilities. But especially this variety of approaches became an extra incitement for exchange and collaboration.
Our vision was to mobilise/activate local talent and interested members of the community of all ages to realize their potential. We wanted to provide the opportunity and framework for individuals to learn new skillsets and empower participants from disadvantaged background to communicate and share through creative means their interests and needs within the community and with decision makers on different levels.
Led by these aims we have united in our learning partnership organizations and initiatives across all Europe, through all geo-political and social differences from metropolis like London to a small town as Giżycko in Masuria close to the external frontier of the EU.
We had organisations and initiatives in our learning partnership with long years of active involvement in social and cultural issues and partners that had just started their engagement or who wanted to broaden their base of activities and wanted to benefit from the partners expertise.
We have been able to draw comprehensive comparisons and to share experiences in the widest sense.
We have set up a series of 8 meetings/symposiums throughout our two years partnership.
Every partner had the opportunity to implement their skills throughout our partnership in different workshops and in the working groups.
And every partner spread and implemented the findings of our partnership on their respective local base.
One of our aims has been to establish a long-term European network. After these two years we can say that we at least did a decisive step towards this aim, as we were able to involve several new partners that will join us for future projects.
We were as well able to broaden our understanding of art as a social transformer though the lectures and presentations of a variety of experts, activists and practitioners who invited to our meetings to introduce us to their thoughts and projects on this issue.
More over we were able to visit on every meeting best practice initiatives and projects on the spot, which offered the opportunity for an extended exchange of experience and knowledge.
Throughout the partnership there was as well as intended a non-formal exchange of staff-members, trainers and trainees. The Stubnitz hosted the visit of members from SLAM and Czentrifuga, Non grata members stayed with Czentrifuga, Kulturpark 3000 members with D.I.V.O. and OS Fleda, Czentrifuga members in Gizycko with SWM and so on.
It showed to be a good way to deepen the partnership and the mutual understanding of local issues.
Stowarzyszenie Wspólnota Mazurska![]() Projekt Współfinansowany z Programu Operacyjnego Fundusz Inicjatyw Obywatelskich |